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Luz Nadina Z. Henao


Since the beginning of 2013 I have focused my work on creation from the relationships between nature, culture, memory and the human being as a thinking and balancing being between the living and dead world. I assume the artistic practice from my experience in community, sometimes in participatory way in other reflective, I expose sociocultural and political reflections current, rooted and understood from the appropriation of the culture of transformation to achieve survival, seeking to understand how dynamic culture brings get new practices that affect the treatment, transformation, manipulation and conception of the environment that contains us.


Within my creation there are two nuclei: The first is the relationship with the context from the experience and the previous documentation (research), the second is the creation that seeks reflection in situ through the traditional elements generating questions.  Through different plastic languages such as installation, sculpture, audiovisual languages and performance actions, which feed on previous research as a basis for reading, interpretation and empathy of the context.


I am interested in generating an environment that encourages communities to think silently and quietly, encouraging them to generate questions about their role in nature, their relationships, their culture and their responsibility to the space they inhabit, the connection between the ecosystems of the city, the countryside and rural areas.


Manifesting in this way the importance of the ecological awareness that the different human groups must have independent of their culture, seeking to germinate a constant dialogue with the spectator, where both parties make rhizome as Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari said, like the rhizome which is related to "a map that must be produced, constructed, always detachable, connectable, alterable, modifiable, with multiple entrances and exits, with its escape lines", all this on the territory and surrounding environment, with a sensitive character capable of persuading their social environment about the natural impact.


Some conceptual strategies I have used have to do with cultural dynamics, customs, collective oblivion and the importance of recognizing the responsibility of art within society.




Medellín, Colombia



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